Electrotherapy & Ultrasound

NMES is a method that uses electrical impulses to artificially activate a muscle. When recovering from an injurybor suffering from a condition such as arthritis that can result in a prolonged period of inactivity, the muscles can waste away (a condition known as muscle atrophy). Electrical stimulation of mimics the impulses sent by the brain to contract and relax muscles without any physical effort required from the client. Thus muscle strength, endurance and range of motion can be improved without causing pain or overexertion of the muscles. NMES is also useful for re-educating muscles to restore movement patterns that may have been lost following a long period of inactivity or in post-stroke patients.
TENS is one of the most common electrotherapy treatments primarily used to treat both acute and chronic pain.
Mild electrical impulses are delivered through the skin producing a mild tingling sensation. These impulses overtake other signals being sent to the brain, including pain signals, so the tingling feeling is felt instead of pain. This helps the muscles in the area relax and stimulates the production of the body's own natural pain relieving hormones know as endorphins.
The impulses can be modified according the type of pain experienced - acute or chronic - and to suits the needs of the individual client.

IFT is similar to TENS but uses a continuous electrical stimulation at higher frequencies to penetrate deeper into tissues. The higher frequencies are more comfortable than the lower frequencies used in TENS, particularly in the case of acute injury.
During IFT, strategic placement of electrodes is required to target the area of pain in the underlying tissue. The current stimulates the muscles, causing them to relax and thus relieving pain. IFT also increase blood flow to the area to speed up the healing process and reduce inflammation and swelling.
in addition to pain relief, IFT can be used as part of a rehabilitation program, to help regain normal function of muscles and joints.
Therapeutic ultrasound is used to treat injuries to muscles, tendons and soft tissues using high frequency sound waves rather than electrical impulses. The sound waves pass through the skin and cause the tissues to vibrate as well as creating a deep heating effect in the affected area. This helps to reduce pain, improve blood flow, encourage the healing process and increase the break down of scar tissue to improve range of motion. Conditions such as Carper Tunnel Syndrome, frozen shoulder and tendonitis often respond well to this type of treatment.
Therapeutic ultrasound can also be used to treat trigger points deep within muscles, providing pain relief and a reduction of tension in the affected area.